Peer-reviewed, + equal contributions, *student co-author
- Blair ME, Noguera-Urbano EA, Ochoa-Quintero JM, Paz A et al. Software co-design between end-users and developers enhances biodiversity conservation. BioScience. biae097 [Full text]
- Maitner B, Santos Andrade PE, Lei L, Barbosa GCG, Boyle B, Castorena M, Enquist BJ, Feng X, Kass J, Owens H, Park DS, Paz A, Pinilla-Buitrago G, Merow C, Wilson A. Code sharing in ecology and evolution increases citations rates but remains uncommon. Ecology and Evolution. 14(8):e70030 [Full text]
- Paz A, Crowther T, Maynard DS. 2024. Functional and phylogenetic patterns of tree biodiversity. Global Ecology and Biogeography. e13877 [Full text]
- Paz A, Pardo-Diaz C. 2024. Female researchers are under-represented in the higher ranks of the Colombian science infrastructure. PLoS One. 19(3): e0298964. [Full text]
- Specker F*, Paz A, Crowther T, Maynard DS. 2024. Treemendous: an R package for standardizing taxonomical names of tree species. PeerJ. 12:e16896. [Full text]
- Suárez-Atilano M, Pacheco-Sierra G, Vázquez-Domínguez E, Pérez-Alquicira J, Kass JM, Paz A, Domínguez-Laso J. 2024. Genomic insights and conservation challenges for two hybridizing Mexican crocodile species: Crocodylus acutus and C. moreletii. Animal Conservation. 27(3):308-323. [Get]
- Arias A, Barrientos LS, Pardo-Diaz C, Paz A, Crawford AJ, Salazar C. 2024. Taxonomic inflation and a reconsideration of speciation in the Andes: the case of the high-elevation tree frog Dendropsophus molitor (Anura: Hylidae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. 200(3):763-775. Editor’s Choice! [Full text]
- Kass JM, Pinilla-Buitrago G, Paz A et al. 2023. Interactive modeling of species niches and distributions using a redesigned and expanded Wallace 2.0. Ecography. 3:e06547 [Full text]
- Galante PJ, Chang S, Paz A, Aiello-Lammens M, Gerstner BE, Johnson BA, Kass JM, Merow C, Noguera-Urbano E, Pinilla-Buitrago GE, Blair ME. 2023. changeRangeR: an R package for reproducible biodiversity change metrics from species distribution estimates Conservation science and practice. 5:e12863 [Full text]
- Paz A, Silva TS, Carnaval AC. 2022. A framework for near-real time monitoring of diversity patterns based on indirect remote sensing, with an application in the Brazilian Atlantic rainforest. PeerJ. 10:e13534 [Full text]
- Paz A, Hernandez LA*, Melo LSO*, Lyra M, Haddad C, Carnaval AC. 2022. Extreme environments filter functionally rich communities of Atlantic Forest treefrogs along altitudinal and latitudinal gradients. Ecography. E06138 [Full text]
- Paz A, Brown J, Cordeiro CLO, Aguirre-Santoro J, Bacci LF, Kaehler M, Assis C, Caddah MK, Reginato M, Lyra ML, Amaro RC, Amaral F, d’Horta F, Freitas AVL, Goldenberg R, Lohmann L , Michelangeli FA, Miyaki C, Rodrigues MT, Silva-Brandão KL, Silva TS, Carnaval AC. 2021. Environmental correlates of taxonomic and phylogenetic diversity in the Atlantic Forest. Journal of Biogeography. 48(6):1377-1391 [Get]
- Brown J, Paz A, Reginato M, Amaro R; Assis C, Lyra M, Caddah M, Aguirre-Santoro J, d’Horta F, Raposo do Amaral F, Goldenberg R, Silva-Brandão K, Freitas A, Rodrigues M, Michelangeli F, Miyaki C; Carnaval A. 2020. Seeing the forest through many trees: multi-taxon patterns of phylogenetic diversity in the Atlantic Forest hotspot. Diversity and Distributions. 26(9) :1160-1176 [Full text]
- Betancourth-C M, Palacios-R P, Mejía D, Paz A, Amézquita A. 2020. Genetic differentiation and overexploitation history of the critically endangered Lehmann Poison Frog: Oophaga lehmanni. Conservation Genetics. 21:453-465 . [Get]
- Velez MA, Robalino J, Cardenas JC, Paz A, Pacay E. 2020. Is Collective Titling Enough to Protect Forests? Evidence from Afro-descendants Communities in the Colombian Pacific Region. World Development. 128:104837.[Get]
- Paz A, Guarnizo CE. 2020. Environmental ranges estimated from species distribution models are not good predictors of lizards and frogs’ physiological tolerances. Evolutionary ecology. 34(1):89-99[Get]
- Prates I, Paz A, Brown JL, Carnaval AC. 2019. Effects of prey turnover on poison frog toxins: a landscape ecology approach to assess how biotic interactions affect species phenotypes. Ecology and Evolution. 9(24):14317-14329. Preprint [Full text]
- Paz A+, Gonzalez GA+*, Crawford AJ. 2019. Responses of frogs of different elevation ranges in the cordillera of Colombia to past climatic change. 11(1):e37055. Frontiers of biogeography [Full text]
- Paz A, Spanos Z, Brown JL, Lyra M, Haddad C, Rodrigues M, Carnaval AC. 2018. Phylogeography of Atlantic Forest glassfrogs (Vitreorana): when geography, climate dynamics and rivers matter. Heredity.122:545-557 [Full text]
- Rueda X, Paz A, Gibbs-Plessl T, Leon R, Moyano B, Lambin ED. 2018. Smallholders at a cross-road: intensify or fall behind? Exploring alternative livelihood strategies in a globalized world. Business Strategy and the Environment, 27(2):215–229. [Get]
- Gonzalez C, Leon C, Paz A, Lopez M, Molina G, Toro D, Ortiz M, Cordovez JM, Atencia MC, Aguilera G, Tovar C. 2018. Diversity patterns, Leishmania infection, and feeding preferences of Phlebotominae sand flies in rural human settlements in northern Colombia. PloS one. 13(1): e0190686 [Full text]
- Gonzalez C, Molina G, Leon C, Salcedo N, Rondon S, Paz A, Atencia MC, Tovar C, Ortiz M. 2017. Assessing the eco-epidemiology of Malaria transmission in northern Colombia through vector and parasite species identification, spatial distribution and infection rate analyses. Malaria Journal.16(1):431. [Get]
- Flechas SV+, Paz A+, Crawford AJ, Sarmiento C, Acevedo A, Arboleda A, Bolívar-García W, Echeverry-Sandoval CL, Franco R, Mojica C, Muñoz A, Palacios-Rodríguez P, Posso-Terranova A, Quintero-Marín MP, Rueda-Solano LA, Castro-H F, Amézquita A. 2017. Current and predicted distribution of the pathogenic fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in Colombia, a hotspot of amphibian biodiversity. Biotropica.49(5):685-694 [Get]
- Curiel Yuste J, Heres AM, Ojeda G, Paz A, Pizano C, García-Angulo D, Lasso E. 2017. Soil heterotrophic CO 2 emissions from tropical high-elevation ecosystems (Páramos) and their sensitivity to temperature and moisture fluctuations. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 110:8-11. [Get]
- Mendoza AM, Torres MF, Paz A, Trujillo-Arias N, Lopez-Alvarez D, Sierra S, Forero F, Gonzalez MA. 2016. Cryptic diversity revealed by DNA barcoding in Colombian illegally traded bird species. Molecular Ecology Resources. 16(4):826-873 [Get]
- Paz A, Ibáñez R, Lips KR, Crawford AJ. 2015. Testing the role of ecology and life history in structuring genetic variation across a landscape: A trait-based phylogeographic approach. Molecular Ecology. 24(14): 3723-3737. [Cover] . [Get]
- Guarnizo CE, Paz A, Muñoz-Ortiz A, Flechas SV, Mendez-Narvaez J, Crawford AJ. 2015. DNA barcoding survey of anurans across the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia and the impact of the Andes on cryptic diversity. PLOS one. 10(5): e0127312. [Full text]
- González C, Paz A, Ferro C. 2014. Predicted altitudinal shifts and reduced spatial distribution of Leishmania infantum vector species under climate change scenarios in Colombia. Acta Tropica. 129:83-90. [Full text]
- Portocarrero-Aya M, Corzo G, Días-Pulido A, Gonzalez MF, Longo M, Mesa L, Paz A, Ramírez W, Hernández-Manrique OL. 2014. Systematic conservation assessment for most of the Colombian territory as a strategy for effective biodiversity conservation. Natural Resources. 5:981-1006
- Paz A, Crawford AJ. 2012. Molecular-based rapid inventories of sympatric diversity: A comparison of DNA barcode clustering methods applied to geography-based vs. clade-based sampling of amphibians. Journal of Biosciences. 37(5):887-896. [Cover] [Get]
- Paz A, Gonzalez M, Crawford AJ. 2011. Códigos de barras de la vida: Introducción y perspectiva. Acta Biológica Colombiana. 16(3):161-176.[Full text]
- Paz A, Lauber T, Crowther TW, van den Hoogen, J. Improving access and use of climate projections for ecological research through the use of a new python tool. News & Views Ecography. e07186. [Full text]
- Merow et al (including Paz A). The academic software developers’ paradox: Incentivizing software maintenance and updates in Ecology and Evolution. Nature Ecology & Evolution. 7: 626-627 [Get]
- Bernal, X., et al. (254 signatories including Paz A). 2019. Empowering Latina Scientists. Science 363: 825-826. [Get]
Book Chapters
- Paz A, Reginato M, Michelangeli FA, Goldenberg R, Caddah MK, Aguirre-Santoro J, Kaehler M, Lohmann LG, Carnaval AC. 2020. Predicting patterns of plant diversity and endemism in the tropics using remote sensing data: A study case from the Brazilian Atlantic rainforest. In: Remote Sensing of Plant Biodiversity. (eds Cavender-Bares J, Gamon J, P T), pp. 255–266 Springer, Cham. [Full text]

Paz A, Crawford AJ. 2012. Molecular-based rapid inventories of sympatric diversity: A comparison of DNA barcode clustering methods applied to geography-based vs. clade-based sampling of amphibians. Journal of Biosciences. 37(5):887-896.

Paz A, Ibáñez R, Lips KR, Crawford AJ. 2015. Testing the role of ecology and life history in structuring genetic variation across a landscape: A trait-based phylogeographic approach. Molecular Ecology. 24(14): 3723-3737.